Why do some people get paid more than others?

I have been watching the new recently and all the fuss about raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars in Seattle. All the buzz about how unfair it is that CEOs get so much money and workers get nothing.

Well it is unfair but not how you would think.

One person works hard from the age of 14 to educate themselves. The get the grades from that hard work. They sacrifice their social life to achieve a goal.

The other person parties their way through school and never makes an effort. The do the minimum or less. If they do actually graduate from high school they barely make it.

One person takes a huge financial risk on their education. They spend 4 to 6 more years in school studying hard and trying to better themselves. They might be 24 or 25 by the time they get out of school and have been working towards a goal for 10 years.

The other person got a job at McDonald’s. They worked their way up from french fry cook to grill cook. They do the minimum to keep the job but on their best day at work they are still just a cook. They don’t work hard enough to become a manager and constantly complain about the lack of opportunity.

One person gets a job and continues working as hard as they can.

The other just works hard enough.

The one day the person how made no effort decides that the deserve the lifestyle of someone who worked hard for 20 years to become successful.

The answer to the wage discrepancy is easy.

One person has a million dollar a year skill set.

The other has a 10 dollar an hour skill set.

Both are getting paid fairly according to the skills they have acquired… or not acquired. Both are living the lives that their decisions led them to. Both are responsible for where they are.

Want a better life…. Get better skills.

Next Seminar London UK this October



5 thoughts on “Why do some people get paid more than others?”
    1. Hi Jake here is the response I just put on Facebook. If you want to respond here is the link to the group https://www.facebook.com/groups/persuasioncodes

      “You are a mean idiot”

      My Sunday Morning Sermon

      This is a comment from Jake that I got on a blog post about how there is a reason that some people are successful and other people aren’t. Apparently, I pissed Jake off a little bit.

      “you are mean and dumb and dont realize not everybody can get a good paying job”

      Except you can… if you are willing to do what needs to be done to get there. One person is willing… the other is not. It is really that simple.

      How do I know?

      Because I used to be the kind of person who did the minimum and was poor as shit! I did only what I had to do. I never worked hard in school. I never tried to excel at a job. I never put the time into getting any kind of skills that anyone would pay me for.

      Then people tell themselves stories to justify their lack of success:
      -Why should I work hard to make someone else rich?
      -It is not fair that some people have things that other people can’t afford
      -Businesses take advantage of workers.

      The more from Jake here:
      “they need to raise the minum wage and not everybody can get a good paying job”

      This kind of mindset pisses me off a bit because NO ONE jumped in to help me when I was dead ass broke. I did it myself.

      Just the idea that someone can’t do better on their own by doing a good job, developing job skills, and being reliable, rubs me the wrong way.

      We believe anyone can improve their life. Anyone can double their income. Anyone can lose weight. Anyone can make friends. Anyone can be better tomorrow than they are today.

      One mindset gives you the motivation to improve your life. The other keeps you stuck, unhappy, and poor. Jake does not get that. he thinks he needs someone else to make a law to get him more money.

      Don’t Be Jake! Also don’t have any Jakes in your life

      You don’t have to look outside yourself to get the life you want. You have the ability to get it. All you need are a few tools and a map.

      Don’t let shit mindsets pull you down.

      Maybe it is mean to believe in the potential of every open of you. I just believe everyone can do it. Some people just need more help.

      My Sunday Morning Sermon is… know that there is a way for you to have the life you want no matter what that life is… and… we are here to help!

      #success #beleiveinyourself #motivation #successmindset #salestraining

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