I must say… day ONE after unfollowing Facebook Whiners has been awesome! Don’t worry I still love the whiners as people, I just don’t want to hear it anymore. 🙂

When I talk about whining I don’t mean that something in your real life is not going great. I have eliminated anyone who endlessly prattles on about politics. I have eliminated anyone who take one line someone said 5 years ago and tries to use it to form a negative opinion. I have eliminated anyone you has no sense of humor. I have eliminated anyone who complains about their life and then does nothing to solve the problem.

For the first time in awhile I actually enjoyed reading and catching up with with people who share things about their lives.

This brings up an interesting point.

So many people try and improve their lives by having MORE. It doesn’t matter if it is more money, more friends, more adventure, more people….

It is what I call the law of poop

You house has a pile of dog poop in the middle if the floor. You just add more great stuff but never do anything about the poop. Better furniture. Better TV. Better lighting. Yes poop happens but you can’t ignore the poop.

No matter how much you add… the poop will still have an stench.

Yes I know that sounds silly but so many people have poop in their lives that they don’t clean up. They can’t figure out why they are not having the life they want.

What is your POOP?

Let me give you my top poops that I have seen people stink up their lives.

Friends that just don’t fit anymore. They were good at one time but you grew up and now they are holding you back. You feel obligated to keep them but their have a negative influence over your life. Yes I know that sounds harsh but you have to drift away and make new friends who fit your new goals and values.

Your job sucks. I have several people I know who have enslaved themselves by living a lifestyle where they cannot walk away from a job that they hate. They have built a catch 22 trap. They do not want to alter their lifestyle but they want to leave their job. They are afraid they will lose opportunity. They crave security. The result is they drone on for years in a poop job.

Addiction to DRAMA. Drama create a condition in the brain that triggers the reward system of the brain. The worst part is that your brain acclimates to one level of drama and then needs something more dramatic to get the same reward. When there is no drama then people tend to create it in order to get the reward. It does not matter if it is real… following politics… endlessly watching the news… or following reality tv… the rewards part of the brain sucks you down the drain.

Focusing on what you DON’T HAVE. No matter who you are there will be someone who has what you don’t. If you constantly think about what you don’t have your life will actually stink.You can have tons of money. Tons of friends. Tons of stuff. OR… No money. No friends. No stuff. Both ends of this has something the other person does not have. That might be hard to believe but it is actually true.  If you focus on what you lack then you are focusing on your poop. You need to focus on what you do have and what you can do. Athletes with injuries heal faster when focusing on what they ARE able to do that day. Those who constantly compare where they are to when they were in full health have much longer recovery times.

The bottom line is this. You know what your poop is in your life. You may have chosen to ignore it and pretend that it does not affect your life. If you get rid on just one thing your life will start to change. The less poop the better life you will have.

The choice is yours.