It’s easy to be negative. It seems there is almost always a reason. People tend to focus on things that are wrong in their lives. It is a survival mechanism. It is also something that can suck your life away and keep you stuck.

Being optimistic doesn’t mean that you don’t see where there are problems, it means that even though there are problems you see solutions at the same time.

We live at a time where people seem to feel just perfectly fine whining and complaining about the smallest things as if those things are just a justification for why their life sucks.

Some people can have nine good things happen to them and one bad thing and that’s where they focus on the bad thing. It’s a formula for absolutely and completely ruining your life.

Optimists simply see the world differently. They are solution based. They live in the present day and not in past failures.

Optimists tend to move more quickly from noticing a problem to finding a solution. They don’t dwell on how the problem happened or how it could have been avoided. They just move on to taking care of the problem.

Optimists don’t think that the world is all unicorn farts and rainbows. They understand that shit happens. They don’t get really focused on who’s to blame. They’re more focused on who can help me solve this.

Optimists do not surround themselves with negative people. I would rather have their fingernails pulled out than this than listen to somebody constantly complaining or always finding fault.

Optimists try a new skill by fully investing themselves 100% without any hesitation. They don’t worry about failure they focus on what possible success could result in.

I commonly hear from people who are not optimistic that they are a realist. They think that they have a realistic view of what’s going on and that optimism is overly positive thinking and ignores anything negative.

To me, that is just an excuse for their own negative thinking.

1 Optimists live longer. Studies have shown that optimists tend to live 10 to 15% longer

2 Optimists are more successful. They have better job security according to some studies and are promoted more often.

3 Optimists tend to get sick much less often. They have lower rates of depression. When they do get sick or injured they recover much more quickly.

4 When an optimist does fail they use it to fuel themselves to perform even better. Most successful people in any area are optimists

As much of this research shows, optimism can be learned. If you’re not already blessed with it, you can work to develop it. And then you too can enjoy the many benefits that optimism brings.

That means that you have a choice. You can choose to be more optimistic and successful. The big question it’s exactly how to do that. I think that might be a good subject for the beginning of the year.

One last thought. Being optimistic it doesn’t mean that you Have to tell everybody about how optimistic you are. It doesn’t mean that you have to tell other people how negative they are. Don’t turn into the vegan at dinner Who spends the whole time telling you why you should feel bad about eating your steak. nobody wants to hear that shit. Just live your life have your success and mind your own business.

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Have fun! #OptimisticOutlook #motivation #successmindset #successtips

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