“I Could Not Have Done This Without You and Kim”

“I Could Not Have Done This Without You and Kim”

Harun was 23 when he first became a client. Maybe even younger than that. In his mind he had one problem. He could not socialize well and felt that there was a block getting in the way. He wanted that block to disappear so he got the 3D Mind personal development product to help him.

The hardest part of coaching someone is changing their focus from what they THINK their problem is to what the problem REALLY i

Harun was convinced that if he could talk to people that everything in his life would change. No matter what I said he would disagree and go into the direction that he wanted to go.

That is the problem. Most people think they already know what needs changed.

What made this even harder is that he is from a fairly well of family, who would have been perfectly happy if he never moved out of the house or did anything. He had been putting off having to be responsible for his own life and that was what was making him unhappy. Getting a great social life just seemed like a great way to overpower that unhappiness.

Just stop and think about that for a moment. It makes complete sense on an emotional level. If you feel bad, find something that makes you feel good. MOST self improvement methods do just that. They try to paint bad feelings with good feeling paint. The truth is that feels better….for a while.

So we did some work and he moved out of his comfortable cocoon of safety. Times were hard. He refused to let his family help him. He wanted to succeed on his own. He had to learn how to handle hard times.

Making changes in your life has nothing to do with becoming more comfortable. Again, most methods focus on making you feel good about a crap life. They don’t change anything. The just temporarily change feelings. Even if you feel good about your crap life….you still have a crap life!

At this point Harun started researching his options. He worked for one company for a while but he was not satisfied. He wanted to start his own company. So he did something else which he couldn’t have done before. He started planning his own company. He found some seed money from partners. He found people who had connections. He planned building the software. All the while barely making ends meet. It was still a little uncomfortable but…he could see where he was headed and now he COULD do it.

Over this time Kim and I continued to coach him on a few things that really helped keep him focused. We did nothing FOR him. He did all the work himself. We just coached him a bit when he asked. We were there for support

Success is not about comfort. It is about being able to deal with the discomfort necessary to actually become a success.

Yesterday I saw Harun on Skype and asked him how things were going. I had not talked to him for a month or so. He is incredibly busy. He started off slowly with his business and now has investors coming in to take it to the next level.

His first comment when we talked about the business was, “I Could Not Have Done his Without You and Kim.”

This is what the Total Life Transformation Seminar is all about. Making the difference in your life that moves you to living the life you have dreamed about.

Harun is living his dream. Is his life perfect? No. He is on his way with the tools that allow him to live the life that others just talk about living. If you are curious about his business feel free to check out http://butigo.com. Oh yeah I forgot to mention. He lives in Turkey. His success is so important to him that he flew to Atlanta twice to train in person, but the rest of our coaching was long distance.

If you are ready to get the life you really want to live our Total Life Transformation Seminar starts in ONE WEEK. That is when we start the 4 weeks of web based pre-training. That is followed by 5 days of intense total immersion training. That is followed by 3 weeks of follow-up training. Then you get a one hour personal consult with me and Kim. Almost $5000 of training for only $995.

Go here to find out more. https://www.essential-skills.com/3dmind/seminars/total-life-transformation-seminar/


Get the Skills…. Live the Life


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