Get Your Copy of The Best of the Persuasion Codes


The Persuasion Codes
are 14 simple things that help you in any situation to have more influence. 171 pages of pure GOLD content!

This book is a collection of articles we have written of the past few years of several topics. You need several things to be able to influence whether it is selling million dollar deals, managing people, networking for success or just getting your kids to listen to you.

First, you need person to person skills. These include rapport, emotional anchoring, marketing, and understanding how people think.

Second is your mindset. You cannot succeed at anything with thinking that sabotages your success.

The third is you need a process that you follow that consistently leads to success. That process has to be simple enough to be usable but powerful enough to get results

Last… You need to use all of these things together to get what you want in life. If these are not created to be used together then all you have are a couple of disconnected ideas that you will never use.

These articles are in no particular order for a reason. Each time you open it there will be a different subject to learn about. This keeps things interesting because you never know what the next topic will be.

Have Fun!!!

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