Mind Hacking

Yesterday I received an email from someone who was interested in the 3D Modeling seminar.

“Tom I missed the 3D Modeling introduction video seminar. Could you explain modeling to me in a real simple way?”

First let me say that I will be posting the video on our site by tomorrow. So if anyone missed it them they can see it then.

3D Modeling is like hacking the mind of someone else. They do things in a certain way and you want to find out how they do it, In order to do that you have to be able to unlock their mind.

Behind the password to their mind is the secret that allows you to do the same thing that can do. Here is where the skill comes in. Imagine trying to get a password to something where the owner had no clue what the password was. What we have found is that there is a big difference between what someone thinks they are doing and what they are really doing. You job is to get past what they think and find out what is really happening.

You are literally hacking their mind.

Each skill has a combination of beliefs, emotions and actions. Believe it or not finding these is not that hard IF….you know what to look for. IF…know what questions to ask. IF…you know what answers to ignore.

At the last 3d Modeling seminar we had tow people working with each other. One was fairly wealthy and the other was just doing okay. When they modeled the successful guy we found out that they were doing things ALMOST identically. There was only one thing they were doing differently and that was the thing that made the difference between doing okay and being very wealthy.

That is the essence of modeling. Your are hacking the mind of someone else in order to find that one thing that makes the difference between what you are doing and what they are doing.

That one thing can make the difference between being wealthy and being okay.

That one thing can make the difference between have massive success with the opposite sex and being lonely.

That one thing can be the difference between having an incredible life and an average one.

I am not sure what the one thing is for you but I know you know someone who you can talk to who might know.

Give me 5 minutes with someone and I can tell you how they do anything.

Look folks let me lay it out for you. This is the most important skill we can teach you. It is a lifetime skill that will lead you to being able to understand how other people think and react. You will learn more that you have ever learned before by using 3D Modeling to accelerate you learning of how to do almost anything.

One of my recent modeling projects has been modeling Gordon Ramsay. For those who do not know he has a show where he goes in and helps people change their failing restaurants into success stories.

At first glance he seems like just an ass. He is rude, arrogant and abusive. It would be easy to be put off by him and even easier to hate the guy. I worked in several restaurants in the past and I have seen them succeed and seen them fail. So I see what Ramsay is doing. So let me share with you what I have learned.

First he looks at what is happening now. He assumes nothing and watches. Then he looks for what is weak and what is strong. That means people, food, atmosphere and geographic location.

Second he confronts the problem head on. He tells it like it is. This usually does not go over well because people are emotionally attached to their ideas even if they are going broke.

Third he simplifies the menu. The easier the better. Most people make the mistake of thinking the more that have on the menu the better. That is almost never true.

Fourth, he never backs down from his standards. Clean, simple and appropriate are the rules for the day…every day.

How does this help me? Well one thing it affirmed was that we were doing something similar. We keep the skills simple. We don’t add overly complex fluff. We show people what they are doing that is sabotaging themselves.

One thing I learned was that sometimes being nice is the slowest way to get things done. You have to be strong enough to know when blunt honesty is needed. You also have to know when a pat on the back is needed.

Since I have adopted that one little change I have been able to get through to my toughest customers. They have benefited greatly because I was able to tell the honest and sometimes unpleasant truth about what they were doing and how to fix it.

One byproduct of this was someone Kim and I had been helping out. They were not meeting out expectations and violated our trust. So 2 years ago we cut them off. A month ago they called us back and thanked us for what we did. It was the one thing that made the difference for them in their life. The lesson they learned made them face the unpleasant truth they had been avoiding their whole life. It could have gone either way for them.

Another example is that we met someone who was very successful. One belief they had was that if you were too careful you would never get anywhere. That along with a few other things change the way I look at my businesses. It has allowed me to make more assertive moves and make a ton more money.

Kim and I use these skills every day. We learn from everyone. Sometimes we learn in the most unexpected places. That is why this skill is so important.

So let me lay it out for you. There are about 14 days left for the early discounts for the London seminars. My job is to give you a good reason to come to the seminars or show you how to discover you own reasons that you must not miss this opportunity. So let me tell you who should be there.

If you are tired of hearing the same old seminar junk repeated over and over again, I guarantee you will amazed and surprised by our seminars.

If you want a lifetime skill instead of a fading seminar thrill then you need to sign up today. Learn to feel good and learn even when you are not at a seminar.

If you want to be free of the endless seminar cycles that hold back information in order for you to sign up for the NEXT seminar then we are the people for you.

If you are tired of people giving you the gimmick of the day but never giving you the skill for a lifetime then you must see these seminars.

OK with that said I have to point out that we are not for everyone.

If you think that we are going to magically transfer skills to you without you doing any work then stay away from our seminars and find yourself one of those other people who make those kinds of ridiculous promises.

If you need convincing before you try anything new then please find someone else to torment! My job is not to convince you. It is to teach you.

If you have no sense of humor then go away. We have fun at our seminars while we are learning. We go to pubs afterwards and get to know people while practicing what we learned all day.

Last….if you think you already know it all please…hold you own seminars. I don’t care what you think you know.

With that said, 14 days left for the payment plans and the early prices. On February 1st it all changes. We will likely not be back to the UK until 2012. Now is your chance.

You don’t have to take all three of these seminars. They do work great together and are in a specific order. Taking any one of them would change your life forever.

If you want more information feel free to check out this page. It has the links to descriptions of all three seminars


Have fun

Tom and Kim

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