Have the Life You Barely Dare Dream About……

I have had people ask me what that means. They tell me that they have all kinds of hopes and dreams. They tell me that they have all kinds of goals. They tell me that they simply do not understand what I mean. Here are the real questions. Do you feel good about your dreams? Do you feel good about your goals? Do you think that they are really possible? That they are truly attainable? That they are something you deserve and will achieve? Most people barely dare dream about the life that they desire.

It happens over time. It is an invisible process where slowly as we go through life we begin to dial back our expectations. We begin to live inside of this bubble of safety. Over time this bubble continues to shrink. It becomes a comfortable prison. Our goals become smaller. Our expectations become smaller. Our dreams become smaller. Our lives become smaller.

Have you lowered your sights so that your dreams and goals are more “realistic”?

At some point we stopped dreaming at all. Some people begin to settle for the life that they have. It might not be the best life in the world but it is the life that they have. It is the life that is familiar. Even if it isn’t great it is at least predictable.

Then we have the rationalizations. We tell ourselves little fairy tales to make this little bubble of safety acceptable. We tell ourselves that this is the best that we can do. We tell ourselves that it is the best we can expect. We tell ourselves that it is God’s will. We tell ourselves that the universe has a plan for us. What we are really doing is giving up control of our lives and hoping something improves.

I was in a hardware store a while back and I walked up to the cashier to check out and I asked, “How are you doing?” The answer I got back actually was the perfect example of someone who just stopped dreaming. She looked me straight in the eye and said, “The best that a poor person can do”. Then she came up with a string of rationalizations. Here are the interesting fairytales that allowed her to accept what she had just said.

– Society always keeps a poor person down.

– If you try to get ahead they will just take it away anyway.

– Rich people want to keep all the money for themselves.

– You shouldn’t get your hopes up anyway.

I imagined what it would be like to open my eyes every morning and have these four thoughts running through my brain. Frankly it would make it almost impossible to get out of bed. The truth is that so many people have these thoughts running through their brains so they retreat to their comfortable bubble and stay away from the edge.

When’s the last time that you allowed yourself to dream big?

When is the last time you believed that you could have an incredible life?

When is the last time you left your bubble of safety?

If we could show you how to do these things what would it be worth you? There is a huge difference between dreaming big and getting the life that you have dreamed about. You need a variety of skills to actually achieve the life that you barely dare to dream about. You need a way to use those skills in order to achieve the life that you barely dare dream about.

The first skill you need is the ability to break down the invisible walls that are between you and the life you desire. When you have the skill you can eliminate obstacles easily and quickly. This still has to be something that you can do on your own at the spur of the moment. We have designed the perfect tool to break down these invisible walls and we can teach it to you in less than an hour.

We have created a personal change process that hits all four corners of your life. Knowing a personal change method is only the first part of getting the life you barely dare dream about. You have to know how to apply that tool in a way that hits all areas of your life so that the changes support each other instead of work against each other. When you combine this with the 3D Mind you have personal changes that break down those invisible walls AND a way to improve what you already do well.

The second skill you need is the ability to model successful people who ALREADY have the life that you barely dare dream about. Then you need to know how to take those models and adjust your life so that you can be more like the people who have the life you desire. In order to do this we have broken it down into four simple areas of your life that you need to change in order to have the life you’ve always dreamed about.

Imagine this… I have interviewed hundreds of people who have amazing social skills. After interviewing all of these people a model emerges for success in almost any social arena. Let me give you a little preview. Most people who do not do well socially have a habit of predicting disaster. Before they even talk to someone they run an entire scenario that ends up with them looking ridiculous and having their feelings hurt. Those who are good socially never predict anything past hello. The only thing they’re focused on is the introduction. They don’t have any emotional investment past that point.

For those of you who want to improve your social skills whether it is in business, personal or just everyday life, isn’t that a better way to think about saying hello? When you make this one simple adjustment it can make a massive difference in your ability to talk to anyone.

It is like having the keys to unlock all of those doors that have been between you and the life that you desire.

The third skill is that you need a set of tools that allow you to build that life. These are the basic tools that every successful person that we’ve ever talked to uses every single day. These are the basic life skills that most people on the planet do not have.

– The ability to connect and talk anyone, anywhere, about anything

– The ability to be direct in any conversation

– The ability to be unstoppably persuasive

– The ability to read people like a book

The most important part of this third skill if you have it tailored to fit your personality. What works for me might not work for you. Trying to teach you what works for me doesn’t make any sense at all. That is the most important part of the Total Life Transformation seminar. We make the skills fit you. Most people teach this stuff but there is one size pair of pants. If you happen to be the right size, then the pants look great on you. If you’re not the right size they are either too baggy and fall off, or too tight and you can’t even get them on. We tailor the skills to fit you as an individual.

If there were only one thing in your life that you wanted to do better and we could show you how to do it, what would that be worth to you?

If you are able to talk to one person you’ve always wanted to talk to but were never able to approach, what would that be worth you?

If you are only able to do one thing that you have been putting off that you really want to do, what would that be worth to you?

Haven’t you waited long enough?

I can promise you three things. We will deliver the tools to allow you to do all those things. We will provide you with the support so you get the most out of the seminar. We will guide you to get the life that you barely dare to dream about.

Even though we are going to provide all of this we cannot do this for you. We cannot magically make your life better. It requires you to make the effort. If you are the kind of person who is able to put in the effort but you feel like you’re not quite sure what you should be putting the effort into, then this is the seminar for you.

So many people are able to put out massive amounts of effort but they put the effort into unproductive areas. Then they get disappointed when they don’t get the results. When you put effort into the right area you can get maximum results for that effort. For relatively little effort you can make incredible changes in your life.

Let us guide you into the life you barely have dared to dream about. Let us give you the keys to all the doorways of opportunity that have been locked.

Let Me Review What You’re Getting…

4 weeks of pre-training LIVE webinars – $1,000 Dollar Value

Week 1: 3D Mind – The ultimate tool for personal change.

Week 2: Vocal Influence – Influence and persuade effortlessly with your voice.

Week 3: Anchoring – Create and link powerful emotional states to items, other people and yourself!

Week 4: Rapport – Connect deeply with others in a way you’ve never before experienced.

You arrive at the seminar already trained!

5 days of live training – $1,997 Dollar Value

Five days of total immersion with our feedback and guidance to find your personal persuasion style.

3 weeks of follow-up training LIVE webinars – $750 Dollar Value

3 months of platinum membership – $300 Dollar Value

1 hour of LIVE one-on-one consultation – $250 Dollar Value

That is a value of over $4000.00 for FIVE Months of high quality training and services!

Backed by… A 100% Money Back Guarantee

You can get all of this for only $995!

Even better, there are two ways to come to the seminar. You can join us in Atlanta live or you can watch from the comfort of your own home through our web broadcast. We already have several people signed up from all over the world who will be watching by broadcast.

Even better than that, we are offering a payment plan which will make this incredible deal even more affordable. You can pay $199 down, and then make four payments of $199 per month.

I’m not sure that we can make it any easier than that.

Haven’t you waited long enough?

To read more follow this link: https://www.essential-skills.com/3dmind/seminars/total-life-transformation-seminar/

To sign up now and get in on this great deal follow this link: https://www.essential-skills.com/3dmind/total-life-transformation-seminar-sign-up/

For the next 8 days you can pay only 99.50 per month to get you into this amazing live changing seminar


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