“Thanks to the 3D Mind I can do stupid shit as pictured in the attachment!
What that doesn’t show is the one hiding in the water that tried to pounce
on me a few seconds later – that did still get me going! This was in a random
little village in Ghana. Some guy asks – want to sit on a crocodile? Part
of me said hell yes!”




Chris petting a crocodile in Ghana!!!





Yes that is an interesting enough story but what you don’t know is that Chris was really bothered by animals only a short time ago.


We were teaching a 3D Mind Seminar in London last year and Chris was there. He decided to work on his problem with animals. He was very skeptical. He worked with a partner who was also learning the 3D Mind. We finished up and took a break.


About 20 minutes later I noticed Chris sitting with his head in his hands. I asked if he was OK and he was speechless. What I did not know was that Chris and the guy who worked with him had left and gone over to regents park. They found someone walking a dog and asked to borrow it. It might not seem like much to you but for Chris to actually walk a dog was an amazing breakthrough.


He was sitting there in utter disbelief. I remember him saying “ It just can’t be this simple It can’t work like this. I just can’t believe it will last”. Then he, of course, went into complete denial. He was completely skeptical.


Well a year later he sends me this email…perfect timing! So of course I asked if I could share his experience and he sent me another email of more things he has accomplished.

Glad you liked the picture! Feel free to add it to your next post – for the
record this was not in a wildlife sanctuary or a zoo, this was in a random
little village in Ghana. Some guy asks – want to sit on a crocodile? Part
of me (the same part that gets me doing stand-up and flying helicopters)
said hell yes!

I’m doing really good, I’ve been doing my masters degree part-time this
year which has been a blast. What you said last time (about waking up
before noon!) sunk in and this year rather than just talking a great game
I’m getting up early, going to classes and getting involved – as a result I
am first in my class and I have a record breaking average.

I have got some fantastic results from using your techniques and although
I’ll save the stories for another day I will say that my stand-up and my
public speaking have improved ten-fold – I am getting some amazing speaking
gigs now!

I’m getting up early, going to classes and getting involved – as a result I
am first in my class and I have a record breaking average.

It would be great to see you guys in the UK again – are you running
seminars or is this a social call? Either way it would be great to see you
guys – this time I want to get you guys jumping out of the helicopter into
a speedboat going at full-tilt… imagine anchoring that feeling!


Let me tell you something about fear. Fear is good until it becomes over amplified. Then it triggers a reactive response that you have very little control over. You might jump out of the way of a car and into the path of a bus. Usually when I talk about eliminating fear I get some well meaning but ill informed guardian of all things stupid over exaggerating the concept and kindly “reminding” that without fear people would just jump off of buildings. These are the same people who think some idiotic dance group was better that Susan Boyle.

I have to remind then that “caution” is good. fear…not so much.

The reason is simple. The brain is very energy efficient. High emotions are energy hogs and rob the brain of the ability to make well informed decisions. When that happens you default to having reactions.  Reactions can be good. If you are well trained in a variety of reactions that are good then your default reaction can be useful. If you are in the middle of a fear storm you won’t even have access to those.

With Chris we had a smart guy who had a reaction that made no sense. He knew that his discomfort was irrational. The problem is that when is the real life situation the fear gets triggers and all the resources of the brain are dominated by the fear.

What is really good is that he worked on it with someone who was also attending the seminar to learn the 3D Mind Self Help Technique .

Did he go to a therapist for years to get rid of this?…NO

Did he get all drugged up so he could handle his fear?….NO

Did he have to go exploring every crap feeling that he ever had in order to find  the origin of his fear?…NO

Did he get hypnotized into forgetting his fear?…NO

Did he have to walk over hot coals?…NO….okay I had to throw that in because it is SO STUPID!


All he did was spend the time learning one very powerful technique and then 20 minutes addressing the problem. Followed by denial and disbelief that it was really gone 🙂

The 3D Mind Self Help Technique is designed to reteach your brain how to function in a balanced way. You are able to think and react at the same time rather then being overpowered by your emotions. Feel free to read more about it here 3D Mind .

Changing your life is easy once you understand how you brain biologically creates and amplifies your reactions and mental alarms. One small event can become a life altering problem with a life of it’s own if you let it run wild.

I don’t recommend finding a crocodile to pet! I do recommend that you start taking charge of changing you life!

Have fun,

Tom Vizzini













3 thoughts on “Thanks to the 3D Mind I can do stupid sh*t as pictured in the attachment!- how to elimintate any fear”
  1. Hi, Tom

    I was wondering if you are going to have another seminar in GA any time soon in the future.

  2. I agree, this is an inspiring story! I have a fear of public speaking too. I guess chris had public speaking issues as well? Is that one of the things he used 3d mind on? That would be a good one for me to work on.
    Thanks for posting the story.

  3. This is such an inspiring story and it definitely is an indicator of how powerful a change method 3dmind really is. I’ve personally made changes recently that are no less impressive than this one.

    The world really really must learn about the 3dmind.

    Anyways, Way to go Chris!

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