Yes it is that time of year when the motivational ‘gurus’ begin assaulting your common sense with fluffy junk motivation. It is like they crawl out of the dark places that they have been hiding in to ‘help’ you.

Yes this post is going to piss them off.

The ugly truth is that 99% of these people are fakes. The make less than the average McDonald’s worker yet seem to think they have the answer to your success. 
How do I know this? Simple. I have been doing this for 15 years and have seen then in seminars, meetings and even speaking to groups. I have seen these people try to fake their way into success. 
Every January they leave their caves and present themselves as experts on motivation. Every January it is like reading the same crap over and over that has been regurgitated from sloppy pop psychology in the self help section of you local used book store.

Every year many of you waste your money on antiquated ideas that never really worked but since they have been repeated so many times they ‘seem’ true.

What are you supposed to do?

Let em run through a couple of these since I have been reading here to day and I see these things cropping up again.

1 Positive Thinking- Myth… If you only have positive thoughts your life will become a positive place. saying you are happy and can do anything will magically make it true. Reality…. No one can stay positive all the time and just saying  so will not make it true. Why? Because by trying to think positively all the time you are attempting to overpower emotional obstacles with your rational brain. 
That never works and after I go through a few more of these I will tell you why.

2 Affirmations- Myth… Saying things are true makes them true. Repeating things like ” I am a successful person” 1000 times will make you believe it. If you believe it then you will become it. Reality… This leads to delusional thinking. First of all it is much like positive thinking in that you focus on positive statements and overpower negative thoughts. Why doesn’t this work? It is because you are using FORCE to try and overpower something negative BUT you are not solving the problem that generates the negative thoughts. 
The result is that for a short while you feel a little better but eventually you have to overpower those thoughts again. The negative thoughts are always there because you never do anything about them. It is like adding sugar to cow crap. You end up with sweet cow crap but the aftertaste is always the same….cow crap.

3 Magical Fairy Tales- Myth…The universe is a magical place where you can wish for something and it becomes true. This is where things like The Secret, Magik and The Law Of Attraction sound so good but are so bad. I have met more people who are waiting for the universe  to grant them their wish …after they have learned what the universe has planned for them? Reality…. The universe does not care about you because it has no awareness. If it did you certainly are an insignificant speck. You having a new car would not really be of interest. 
This fairy tale thinking is dangerous. It is delusional. It is dumb.

What are you to do? Well I am not here just to throw stones and not provide answers. Let me give you some ideas of what my 15 years in this business have revealed to me. 
This is going to come as a big surprise to you but I have never met a millionaire who uses any of this. NOT ONE … well not one who isn’t selling it to you!

So what do these people do? Well they have a different mindset that  those who do not succeed or work really hard to get average results. Let me tell you a few things.

1 They remove obstacles that slow them down instead of trying to overpower them. This allows them to move easily instead of having a constant fight with themselves. This might be a thought process. This might be a bad anchor. This might be a person who holds them back. They streamline their lives in order to move ahead.

2 They fail more that anyone else. They don’t feel bad about failure. They see it as just a thing that happens. It is part of the game and it is supposed to happen. If they are not failing then they are not pushing the edge.

3 Risk-It is nott hat they enjoy high risks. It is that they are not afraid of them. Risk is part of the process and they manage it 2 ways. The don’t let desperation push them into taking unwise risks. They don’t let a need for safety keep them from taking a risk.

4 They are always learning. I have more clients that don’t have to work another day in their lives who come to every seminar we have where we teach rapport, anchoring and persuasion skills. They come to 3D Mind seminars because they are not done improving themselves. They don’t reach a point where they are done.

5 They have fun! All work and no play is not how these people live. They separate their lives and when having fun they do not think about work at all. Fun is all about fun and they make time for it EVERY DAY! It is like food for them. A couple days without food and bad things happen. A couple days without fun has the same effect.

My goal in writing this is in hopes that you get just one good idea from this article. If you avoid just one motivational dim wit then this article has dome it’s job. If you avoid one pitfall that other people get sucked into then I will be glad I wrote this. If you adopt just one part of how successful people think than I know your life will be better.

This year avoid the same old stale used book store mindset and do something different.

Just one more thing. To the self help and success ‘gurus’ who I have offended with this … get a real job and leave this stuff to the experts.  I hear McDonald’s is hiring.

One thought on “Useless Motivation Posts Pissing Your Off?”
  1. I would agree that there are ALOT OF SCAMMING CONNING BULLSHIT THINGS ON TV. Personally, I believe that having a positive mindset and letting criticisms flow off your back like water. No big deal, we can agree to disagree. Joel Osteen of Lakewood Church is a millionaire no doubt, but not a hustler lying catholic priest who most are fags anyway and molest little boys under the GUISE of religion. Religion is a scam in itself…..GOD DOES NOT NEED MONEY. ha HE MADE EVERYTHING AND IS ALL POWERFUL HE COULD HAVE GOLD BRICKS STACKED TO INFINITY.
    But the snake oil salesmen will scare old people into sending money so we can PRAY FOR YOU. ha ha ha WHat a scam.

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