You know where you are now. You might have an idea of where you want to be. You also might be frustrated because you can’t figure out how to get to where you want to be. You’re not alone.

The reason is actually quite simple. You have been doing what you were doing for so long that it seems like the choices that you have are the only choices available to you. I used to feel the same way.

I know how you feel.

Some people say it’s because you’re not sure what your life purpose is. Some people say it is because you are not motivate some people say it’s because you procrastinate. Some people say that is because you don’t have a clear plan on how to get to where you want to go. Some people say is because you’re not making the effort.

They are all wrong.

The problem is very different from what you think it might be.
Let me tell you something you might not have thought of. It is not that you are not trying. You are trying but it is an uphill battle against your fear, discomfort and helplessness.

Let me give you an idea of what the real problem is. It is that you already think you have failed before you even start. You have learned to feel defeat before you even try. You brain projects that defeat and it vividly feels like you have already failed so much that it seems that it already happened.

The next think that happens is even worse. You train yourself to avoid that terrible feeling of defeat by eliminating even thinking about the thing you wanted to do. Then it becomes something you never think of. Since you don’t think of it then you never feel bad about it. Any time you even have a hint of doing that thing that now makes you feel defeated you just go do something else. Then your brain rewards you with a shot of serotonin and you feel good.

This activates what we call the story teller. You create a story that makes not doing what you desire okay. You believe that story because you created it. You tell yourself that money does not buy happiness but, you aren’t happy anyway. You tell yourself that being overweight is okay and you are fine with it but, you have no energy and avoid physical recreation. You tell yourself that after the next course, seminar, boot camp that you will finally put that knowledge into action but, when you finish and the afterglow wears off you go back to exactly what you were doing before. Even if you are given exact directions to get what you want… you just don’t follow them.

You end up living an emotionally comfortable life where you have all kinds of ‘reasons’ that it is okay to stay where you are. Time passes by. Even worse… you forget you ever even wanted anything better.

I was at a party not long ago and someone I have known since they were 2 years old came up to me and said, “ I really want to meet with you to figure out my life”. I said great and asked them to give me a call and we would sit down and see what is up. They said the same thing a year earlier and even the year before that. That party was almost a month ago and guess what, no call. I am sure that next year I will hear the same thing again.

You have to break that cycle of failure, excuses and addiction to comfort in order to get the life you know you can have.

The answer might be easier than you think.

Step one take one small action towards what you want.
Step two find where you begin to hit just a little resistance
Step three solve that one first small problem
Step four take the next small action. … then repeat.

It is just that simple and with the right tools the results are stunning. We can teach you those tools.

In Clearwater Florida we will be teaching people how to succeed in their life and get what they want. We designed a retreat to get you to find those invisible goals that you desire but have set aside or forgotten. We can bring back the life you always wish you would have but has always seemed out of your reach.

Look folks I wish I could wave a magic wand and give you want you wanted. I can only guarantee one thing. Kim and I will do our part. You have to do the rest. People who follow instructions use what we teach them have amazing lives. It is easier than you think.

No matter where your life is now if you are ready to get to the next level of success join us in Clearwater this June. If you even have even the smallest amount of curiosity just read through our seminar site.

4 thoughts on “You know where you are now”
  1. That just makes so much sense for me. I really relate. Habitual thought patterns. Going to redo the 3D Mind Lite training until I get it.

  2. Hi, Tom/Kim,

    so if I train myself to avoid anticipating “defeat”, that would translate in to action in a positive direction?

    1. As weird as that sounds… yes.

      Most people don’t move because they are afraid of defeat. They look into their future and stop right at the defeat point. If you train yourself what to do when you are defeated and that you will live through it, you are prepared. You erase all the question marks about defeat and failure.

      The most successful people ALSO are the ones that fail the most…

      Let me know if that makes sense.

      1. It actually does, and it also fits in rather perfectly with what Ive seen around me.

        Thanks Tom.

        p.s If by some miracle I dont get my stuff in order this year, I will gladlly train with you two in the following years.
        In whichever year it may be this or the next, Im seriouslly excited to train with you guys.

        Keep up the great work.

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