He was a victim of facial profiling LOL!

Duck Dynasty star Jase Robertson was kicked out of New York City’s Trump International Hotel because he looks homeless BUT… Instead of running to the media and whining like a baby he laughs it off. 

“We were laughing — wait until the Donald hears about this,” he said.
And for what it’s worth, they hope the staff member doesn’t get in trouble.
He was just as nice as he could be — escorting Jase to the park,” Al said. “And honestly, if I was in his shoes — I’d have done the same thing.”

This guy is an example of everything that used to be right with people. He is secure in who he is and has the ability to laugh at himself. 

It seems that the daily barrage of well meaning advice telling us how many ways we should be offended has had an interesting side effect. The loss of the sense of humor gene. OK I know there is not a sense of humor gene but hey… get over it. 

Think about this. Each day we get hundreds of messages on TV, radio, billboards, and online telling us about how we are not good enough but if we buy brand X everyone will like and respect us. If we decide to fit into the mold that Madison Avenue wants us to be striving for that we will suddenly be universally happy.

So we sit hear watching the slow extinction of our sense of humor and ability to laugh at how people see us or when we make silly mistakes. Unfortunately there is no sense of humor awareness charity. There is not a sense of humor march. We can not catch a breeding pair of sense of humor and try to repopulate the planet with it. 

At this rate the sense of humor may slowly fade away and die off never to be seen again. 

What is worse than that is that what is replacing it is a carnivorous creature that will eat you alive if you get to close. It is the sensitive monster. If you are sensitive to every little slight then you become paralyzed by its poison. This poison causes hallucination and soon enough you see mean people everywhere. 

Recently Oprah Winfrey went into a store and did not get treated like she wanted to and what does she do? Call a press conference that gets the sales girl fired. Clearly the poison has infected her and she sees mean people everywhere. Notice the difference between this guy who just laughs and hopes the guy doesn’t get in trouble. Oprah who sees problems in every action someone takes that slights her in any way. He feels good enough about himself that he laughs. She calls the media to complain. 

Which would you rather be?

Folks learn to laugh at yourself before it is too late. Live life freely. Surround yourself with people who don’t take you seriously. Save a sense of humor from extinction.

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