I haven’t been able to decide what my purpose is in life???

Honestly folks I here this all the time and I have always wondered what it meant and who was spreading this rumor that you life had a special purpose. Let me save your decades of blindly running around following some self help wannabe guru who read a book and decided they know “the answer” .

Your life has no purpose!

On my! How could I say such a thing?

Everyone would like to believe they have a special purpose but it is just BS that is sold to desperate people who are looking for some meaning to their life when everything seems to suck.

Yes I know how harsh that sounds but… there is some good news. You can stop looking!

You life only has the purpose you DECIDE it has. I like what I do. I like helping people from all walks of life and showing them that their life can be better. I like having friends all over the world. I love traveling to see them. I like the lifestyle even though I know that most people would never be able to handle it.

Is it my purpose in life? NO. It is what I am doing for now because I like it and is allows me to have other advantages.

The BS that you are sold at the local self help shop is that when you find your purpose you will be happy. If you are not happy then it is because you are not doing what you are meant to do. Then they all give you the same stupid advice.

Go find your purpose.

Now putting aside that it would take someone with the IQ of a lump of mud to come up with that… When you ask them how you do that you get 1000 different methods of getting stuck. Everything from spirituality to religion to new age mumbo jumbo.

Lets add one more dimension to this…. Happy people never go looking for their life’s purpose!

Think about that. It is a revelation. What does that mean? Well… the life’s purpose gurus will have you believe that it is because they have found “it”. Let me suggest another reason… It might be because ‘it’ is BS.

The other side of the coin is that a majority of those who start seeking their life’s purpose are depressed, desperate and unhappy. So it seems like most people start their journey are miserable. They think finding their life’s purpose will stop the pain and get them out of their rut. Theirs is a search of avoidance. 

This brings me to an important point. The whole reason people look for a life’s purpose is because they are unhappy with where they are NOW. Where they are now is a result of making bad choices that were a result of living a life that had limited options. The options were limited because of their mindset about what is possible for them.

Now follow this…

If their lives were full of possibility then they would not be searching for their ONE purpose and would have a life that generated movement and many other opportunities.
So maybe the purpose in life is to have as many options as possible rather than going on a mindless search for just one.

What is the answer?

The answer is to expand you choices by addressing your fears that keep you stuck. Not going on an endless search for some mythical purpose that only then will allow you to be happy.

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