Venus asked
“Tom, could you say something about trust? Does it need to be present for a person to make a buying decision? Or, do you need rapport? Are trust and rapport the same thing?”
This is like asking “Do eggs make a cake?”
You need eggs to make a cake and without eggs, your cake will suck but eggs are not a cake. You need trust to have rapport but having trust is not the same as having rapport.

Rapport is a combination of things.
1 Filling the role the person in front of you needs at that moment. If I am on fire anyone with a bucket of water is going to be my friend.
2 Having the right position of power. If I need someone to lead me and you are someone who just wants to be my friend then I am not going to be interested in what you have to say.
3 If you don’t have the right mindset and are uncertain then you can never really connect. I need someone who knows that they have water and how to put the fire out. If I sense that you might be holding a bucket of gasoline then I may run away while still on fire even though you … could… save me.
There are many different kinds of cake just like there are many different kinds of rapport. Each kind fits a different situation and even a different person.
Rapport is a skill, not a tool.
The difference in what we do is that we give you the tool and then we teach you how to USE THAT TOOL.
Just yesterday I was talking to a guy who used anchoring and rapport to get a job he wanted where he did not have the experience they wanted, Then they send him on a retreat to the beach and he has not even sold anything yet.
When you have these skills you get treated better than everyone else. When you don’t you just sit and complain about other people getting the things you want 🙂

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