I here it time and time again. I want the pain to go away and then i can do X.

Well let me tell you something. That is one of the the biggest problems personal growth and self improvement  today. I am going to tell you something that some of you are not going to want to here.

LIFE IS NEVER PAINLESS WHEN …. you are trying to achieve something.

If your goal is to eliminate all pain to make your life perfect then you are screwed. If anyone tells you that they can help your life be painless they are lying.

The simple truth is this.
How you deal with pain is more important than eliminating it.  Want to meet that special person? Well you will get hurt. Want the dream job? Well you will face rejection. Want to quit smoking? That will take effort.

Life is never painless. Successful people just take it as part of life. They have a high tolerance for pain and they keep moving.

Unsuccessful people allow the IDEA of pain to paralyze them so they either don’t try or they fall apart at the first hint of pain.

This is why so many people misapply self improvement tools.
They think the goal is to be bullet proof or eliminate pain. They never change their mindset to one of dealing with life as it happens instead of running away from life before it happens.

I learned an important truth years ago. It applies to every area of life.

Those who take risk will be rewarded at the EXPENSE of those who do not take risk.

Ever wanted to get a promotion but never got up the nerve to ask so the guy next to you got it?

Ever want to date someone but were afraid of rejection so someone else dated them?

Ever had a good idea that you could make money on but never made any move to create it and then someone else did ?

When I hear people say ” I want to eliminate X” it makes my brain hurt. You can’t just eliminate stuff from the world because you can’t handle it. That makes for a fragile change because that stuff is there and ignoring it is delusional.

So what is the right direction?

The 3D Mind is designed to engage the 2 parts of the brain that govern behavior. The primal brain generates movement and emotion. The adaptive new brain governs creativity and adaptability. When they both work together you can move through pain and find solutions.

I saw a great quote yesterday from Will Rogers “Just because you are on the right road does not mean you won’t get run over if you are not moving” or something close to that. Movement and direction are important Move the right direction and you make progress. If you are moving while trying to avoid problems or pain you will almost never be on the right road or heading in the right direction.

You have to LEARN that you can solve the problems and LEARN that you can handle pain.

Over and over I hear…”I did the 3D Mind but when I try do what I want I still feel X”…ya think?

My question is always this…” Well is it still a big deal?” Most of the time the real answer is no. The problem is that their goal was to NEVER feel X. That is a stupid goal.

Once you make a change we can give you the tools to help you get your outcome. We can teach rapport building skills. We can teach anchoring. We can teach Vocal Influence.

They are great tools AFTER you change you mindset. Knowing them is not a substitute for changing that mindset.

Life keeps happening. There will always be challenges. Will you be nimble and resilient enough to have whatever success you want?

Make the change….get the tools…Have the life!

Let me know what YOU think.


One thought on “The Myth of Living a Painless Life”
  1. Tom, that’s a great point you make about “You may still feel it, but is it still a big deal?” Long ago I noticed the same thing about ‘stage fright’ – I still get the adrenaline rush, certainly – my hands even shake sometimes – but it’s not frightening by any means.

    I have to take issue (well, I don’t HAVE to, but I feel like it) with your statement that those who take risk are rewarded at the expense of those who refuse. Here’s why: When I take a risk and am rewarded appropriately (getting a consulting gig, for instance) it’s not at the expense of those who don’t take the risk – they would NEVER have gotten the gig, even if I didn’t get it. They’ve taken themselves completely out of the running.

    Aside from that, great article! (So says the Arbiter Of All…)

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