Why would you think that a Magic Pill exists?

The answer is simple. You believe it because there are those out there that have been trying to sell it to you. They prey on your desire to have what you want NOW. They feed into how you are currently thinking. They use one simple fact against you that even you do not want to admit to yourself.

The reason you do not have the life you want is that you are avoiding doing the things that are NECESSARY for you to have it.

So you LOVE the idea that all your problems can be fixed by a magic pill. That would allow you still avoid doing the things you need to do AND supposedly get you the life you want. How great is that?!?

Only one problem… You can’t change AND stay the same.

So I have put together a list of things I have really had people say to me that you are not going to believe… or maybe you will

I want to be rich working 4 hours a week

I want to be educated without studying hard

I want to lose weight but eat what I want

I want a relationship but keep my independence

I want someone extremely attractive who will accept that I am fat

I want people to like me for who I am even though I am am ***hole

I could go on but you get the idea. If there were such a thing as a Magic Pill then maybe some on these things would be possible. Still there are plenty of lazy, uneducated, weak, self centered, overweight ***holes out there who want to believe that there is a magic pill answer for them that is effortless.

Let me first apologize if you are reading this and you are one of these people. I am sorry for offending you but what is more offensive is that there are those out there taking advantage of you. Let me help you out. Here are the signs you are on a quest of a Magic Pill.

Do you have a collection of self help books sitting around gathering dust that you keep because they make you feel like you have done something?

Do you have a pile of seminar certificates laying around that you refuse to toss out?

Do you have several thousand dollars of videos and audio courses taking up space in the bottom of some deep dark closet?

I met a guy a while back that had one good tangible skill. He could quote self help books. He had read them all. After 20 years he was still reading them yet… nothing in his real life had changed. The only thing he had was a good feeling for knowing a bunch of stuff. He was still in the same job. He was still overweight. He was still socially awkward. He was also still going to seminars and reading books… waiting for the Magic Pill.

He could quote other people though…

Look folks there is one answer here and it is the one most people don’t want. Changing your life is a lifestyle change not a magic pill. You have to move from stagnation to a mindset of ongoing change. There is no one step, one change, one part of your life, or one accomplishment that will give you the perfect life.

Let me give you an example. We have a client who wanted to lose weight as on of their goals. They had tried Weight Watchers 20 times over the last 10 or 15 years and always had failed. This time was different. They lost almost 60 pounds. Why? The answer is simple. Because they made about 100 changes in their life that allowed them to succeed this time. 100 changes just on losing weight. They could eat without feeling they were missing out. They could exercise without being afraid of the pain. They felt good about what they were doing without anticipating failure. They confronted the negative influences on their life.

100 changes later their life is completely different.

AT THE SAME TIME…. they tripled their income by making 100 other changes on how they ran their business. The key is this….. they were 100 LITTLE changes that led to some amazing results.

How is this possible? Well first they learned how to make changes. Then they learned how to use the tools quickly… 3 minutes or less. They made changes in all areas of their life not just the one that was the most important. They also learned the STRATEGIES of succeeding. Of course then they got the tools of success that made using the strategies possible.

In all of that stuff there were not any Magic Pills. Each thing they did got a tangible result immediately. They led them to the next step they needed to accomplish. Each step had it’s challenges and changes that had to be made. After each step there was yet another step.

OK here is a key point that needs to be made… If you NEVER take the first step, you never know what the changes that will be needed on the second step. If you never take the first step you will never feel the accomplishment of getting to the second step.

The first step is making first step changes and getting first step skills. After you use those at a first step level you THEN get to the second step. There are no Magic Pills to get you to the next step.

If you find yourself in a Magic Pill Mindset, I want you to change your thinking. I want you to realize that you are 100 changes away from getting the life you desire. 100 SMALL changes. Once you develop an understanding of ongoing change then you start making progress.

One way to do that is join our Gold Members area but before you do go here and see all the videos you can have access to for only 29 dollars a month. https://www.essential-skills.com/3dmind/gold-member-video-library/ Our latest online seminars are:

Learn Like  Genius

Reading people

The Structure of Influence

Being Assertive…without being a jerk!

Negotiation Tactics… Getting what you WANT!

Over 300 hours of videos that you can have immediate access to for only 29 bucks a month. Each one is better than any 3 day weekend seminar you have ever been to!

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