I was recently talking to someone and the question of what we do came up…as it always does. So I explained.

Since we recently have started doing corporate trainings in sales, persuasion and management I just decided to go that way with my explanation. Afterward they looked at me and said…That is not really fair. How can other companies compete with that?

Well I said…They can’t.

I have run into this mindset over the years. Some people just don’t think that it is fair. They think life is fair. Well life is not fair. If you have that mindset you will end up eating the scraps that others leave behind for the rest of your life. Jobs other people don’t want. Cars other people don’t want. Friends other people don’t want.

Yes you can live on leftovers AND be happy. I get that.

I know a guy who has gotten all of our stuff and still refuses to use anchoring. He just doesn’t feel good about it BUT, he also does not like where he is in life. The message I have for him is…LIFE IS NOT FAIR. You have to outperform the guy or girl next to you or you will be left in the dust.

having an unfair advantage is how every successful business became successful. If they have a crap product they would of course go out of business but in some way they have an unfair advantage. Is could be a new innovation. It could be better financing. It could be that they are just smarter.

In most cases you can point to one common factor. In some way at some time they were able to make THE deal that made everything else possible. They are able to make the connections that the average person cannot make. They build the relationships that the average person cannot build. The lead people in a way that the average person cannot lead.

I know a guy who is worth millions…well tens of millions. He still uses what we teach every single day to give him a bigger advantage over the other people going for business. He still buys every product we put out. He does this for one simple reason.

He understand that you can NEVER have too much on an unfair advantage no matter how much money you have.

Read that again.

He understand that you can NEVER have too much on an unfair advantage no matter how much money you have.

Success thrives in unfair advantages. Getting a job thrives on unfair advantages. Getting a date thrives on an unfair advantage!

Recently I was talking to the regional sales manager for an ENORMOUS company. After just a little training they decided that their company NEEDED the unfair advantage of our training. They were so amazed by the little that they had used and the tremendous results they had achieved that they want that for the rest if their sales force. This is a company that is already the BIGGEST in their industry. Yet they they see that they need the advantage that we offer.

When you have anchoring, rapport and vocal influence you have an unstoppable combination that will make the difference between being a scavenger or leftovers or a leader of the pack.

You need the basics. One of them is the new product we just came out with.

The Secrets of Vocal Influence. We like this product so much that we are almost giving it away at ONLY $49.95. If you become a Gold Member you can get it for only $29.95. So basically you get one month of free gold membership.

You even get the first chapter for free.

Even better. This is an Instant Delivery Product….It is online only and you can access it immediately.  9 easy 10 minute lessons with followup drills. Just one lesson a day for 9 days and the way you speak and lead people will change. You will be on your path to having the unfair advantage.

Let me add one more thing. These are real world skills that are seamlessly undetectable in normal conversation. That is what makes it so powerful. Once you have these skills anchoring becomes amazingly easy.

So go here and watch the first lesson for free.


Have Fun

4 thoughts on “Is It An UNFAIR Advantage?”
  1. O,
    It simply doesnt matter how many people get taught these skills, the fact will always remain that most people will only really come away with a small few additions to their skills sets, and for most companies this will remain to be enough to keep them taking the training that Tom and Kim provide.

    Tom and Kim have structured a course which provides the best opportunity for people to learn their skills and put them electively into practise. But the fact remains that you CAN LEAD A HORSE TO WATER….

    What I have found is that it is more productive working out a strategy for putting these skills to work in a way that you eventually integrate them, maybe to the point that a lot of it is used without your conscious awareness most of the time. Forget worrying about the competitive edge being removed. This alone will stand you ahead of the rest! Anyway, even if many of these skills become understood in the mainstream, it will not happen in yours or my lifetimes.

    I am starting to have more fun with these skills, to the point that I play with them comfortably. I had a similar feeling on discomfort when I first started using them. I found a strategy that worked for me, used 3D mind to balance any areas that were proving a block to progression, and finally settled into a progressive learning mindset with them. Now i pull on them in business in a very formal setting, and have people popping into state when chatting with new friends just for the hell of it sometimes!

    Tom, is there any way you could DRM an MP3, or even launch an ES APP for all product viewing whether personal or corporate?

    Great product by the way Tom and Kim!


  2. Tom

    Would you consider offering a version of this as a product I can use on an mp3 player-a busy lifestyle means sitting at a computer to watch video and get value from the course is quite unlikely. I drive a lot, lecture courses keep me company and adding yours-several weeks before a show I need to do, would be a massive bonus.

    Thanks Tom.

  3. My feeling that the advantage you must have is that you need to actually be better than the competition involved. If you are up for a job interview, then you only have to be the best fit for the day.

    If I interview a dozen people for a job and they all have Tom’s materials, then I’m going to be the winner-I’ll get the best, decided by their ability, potential and skills. The bonus being they also have excellent influence skills.

    Also, if you study rhetoric in depth, the Romans felt that a Citizen was a good person, speaking well. Able to influence and persuade, with reason and passion-logic, ethics and feeling.

    The net result is that the playing field becomes level-a much higher level. Also, to use these skills well, you have to be deeply honest yourself with what you are offering and wanting. Negotiations and other influence situations are going to involve two or more parties wanting things from each other. Old fashioned zero sum games belong with the dinosaurs-really, always have. Mutual gain is a far, far more practical mindset.

    Having the skills to influence and having those skills be universal takes the blinkers off. It will mean, idealistically thinking perhaps, that you don’t get charming despots able to blindly sway millions. Instead, only someone with the best intentions is likely to make any headway-the art of argument will possibly take its rightful place in society and in politics.

    Bottom line-if Tom and Kim succeed in selling this to millions, good luck to them as it is far more likely to bring good to far more, than bad. I doubt they would sell the skills if they really felt that they would lose precious advantage.

    The advantage is having the skills and others-and having something genuine to offer in influence situations.

    The only losers would be con artists-assuming such a level playing field.

  4. The only thing i find sucks a bit,
    is that it seems that if big companies get all these
    training and skills company wide, to gazillion of people,
    and you do this to tons of businesses and salesforces,
    and then on top many of these are people who offer tons of seminars
    to other sales force audiences etc etc..

    ..well it seems like all these skills will be mainstream
    in a mere few years, trickling down the the average joe.
    and well, it was cool that these skills werent known
    by your neighbors and people are you.
    And also now people around you will use those as well, so
    will level the playing field as well.

    i know this is a crappy way of thinking,
    but it sucks millions of sales forces in the u.s.
    will know of these, like they all know who oprah is or something.
    (believe me, skills as good as those VERY QUICKLY get spread
    by 1000s and 10000s of people – as i said manyt in the saleforces
    will market their own products and big seminars adding
    those skills to the curriculums…and many attending will
    very quickly tech those skills to their own audiences etc)

    Anyway, guess it may be the child “i know something most others dont”
    that make you feel good and like you have something unique, that
    has spoken in this message.


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