So there I was presenting to a group of business people when the word slipped out of my mouth. I just knew I was going to hear about it but at least I was being honest.


It is like a dirty word that that describes what everyone wants to be able to do but never dares say. People desire the ability to manipulate but want to feel like they are above the idea that they want to control other people. So they just change the name. They call it personnel management. They call it persuasion. They call if influence. They call it charisma. I know what they really want and it is control.

The problem is that most people can barely control themselves. So they use the control of others to make it seem like they have some control of their lives. They misuse powerful skills to satisfy their personal weakness. Because they don’t have real control of themselves they abuse others. They might use power or force to threaten others into control. This is the worst use of these kinds of skills.

Rule number one- Learn to control yourself.

When you have control of yourself you feel less needy. You don’t have to be scared that you might abuse skills that you can learn. When I see those who shrink from the word manipulation, I see someone who does not trust themselves. They are scared of what they might do with that much power. I understand that. This is why we have set up the London seminars in the way we have. First learn the 3D Mind to get control of yourself. Clean out all the problems that might make you hesitate to use these skills responsibly.

Rule number two- Get comfortable leading others.

One thing that seems to get on the way of success is the ability to lead others. This again is a personal change. When you trust yourself to leads others then using skills like anchoring and rapport building seem more natural. So many people are afraid of taking the responsibility for persuasion/manipulation because  they might  make a mistake. Of course if you are not needy and desperate then you will not make as many mistakes. You start trusting your leadership.

Rule number three- Embrace failure.

So many people are scared to death of failing. When you embrace failure then you can push the edge and get out of your safety zone.  When you stop avoiding failure you begin to see the freedom. You begin to learn rapidly instead of trying to learn and avoid at the same time. When you move through life avoiding fear, pain and judgment, you end up paralyzed. Again this is a personal change issue.

Over the years I have seen people waste thousands of dollars on trying to learn skills without taking care of theses three roadblocks to success. These are the big three. I have met a bunch or real successful people and the one thing they have in common is they all do not have any of these three problems. This is why it is important to come to the 3D Mind seminar in London this year. Your experience will be life changing. It will also allow you to learn the skills if you decide to come to the next 2 weekends after the 3D Mind.

For more information about these seminars and the affordable payment plans just look at the column on the right.

Only 8 days left until the early deals disappear.

When you are comfortable with yourself, your ability to lead and deal with failure,  manipulation is not a bad thing. It gets everyone what they want instead of just you. It is okay though. If it makes you feel better you can still call it management skills,  persuasion or just charisma.

Have fun

Tom and Kim

PS….2 days left for the Gold Member deal and then it goes up to 39$ a month.

2 thoughts on “Sneaky Stuff that No One Wants to Admit- The dirty word!”
  1. I love this post. The more I study this stuff, the more it seems the most important step is getting to yes, saying yes ourselves, long before we try getting other people to say yes to what we want them to do for us. I was preparing for a presentation about this at work, and the first question I got was how to get “those other people” unstuck. Seems that’s the first question stuck people ask. It certainly was until I started recovering from being stuck myself.

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