Have You Digested Your Brain?

Yesterday I had a 3 hour conversation with Dr. Ken Giuffre. I WISH some of
you had heard it. I also wish we had recorded it. Ken is the guy who has
catapulted the development of the 3D Mind personal change process that we
have created. His years of research on how the brain works and how personal
change can happen by using the biological brain processes that are natural
have changed the way we look at personal change and empowerment.

One of the many subjects we talked about was the tendency of people to avoid
discomfort and stay where they are even though where they are sucks. It
becomes familiar. Their life becomes nothing more than a series of habits.
Those habits tend to allow you to stay in a predictable track even if that
track is harmful.

I met a girl the other night in a bar. Why is it always a bar! She was a
waitress and we began talking. I asked her about herself and found out that
she had just moved back into town from another state to leave a boyfriend
that was beating her. So I asked why she went out of state. She told me she
left with her husband to move there but divorced him because he beat her and
was a drug addict. The she told me about several other relationships that
she had and the thing they all had in common was that they all were drug
addicts and abusive. The friend I was with immediately said that he did not
use drugs! She was cute. Unfortunately he would have been better off if he
was a heroin addict. That is what she must have liked 🙂

She has completely stopped thinking and has been just doing the same
relationship habit over and over again.

The example Ken used was how barnacles live. A barnacle will float around
the ocean until it finds a spot to connect to. After it becomes attached to
something the barnacle simply digests its brain. It is no longer needed.

So many people behave just like a barnacle. They go through life doing the
same thing over and over without any thought at all about doing anything
differently. They get a job and they stay with that kind of job their whole
lives. They never consider that all of their experience can easily transfer
to any other field. They have digested their brain!

This happens for a very simple reason. The brain is very economical. It
tends to think in ways it has always thought in order to conserve energy. In
order to jumpstart the brain you have to change the way you brain accesses
information and emotion.

This jumpstart might not fix the problem but it can get the ball rolling.

Think of ideas, goals, desires or creativity. They are all like seeds of
thought. In order for those seeds to grow they need certain things. They
need fertile ground. It the ground is barren, worn out or used up; nothing
will grow. You need to keep the weeds out. Other distractions, time eaters
and self doubts are like weeds. They draw nutrition from the seed. If they
do not get these things the idea just fades away and the old habit takes
it’s place. You end up with a digested brain behavior.

So many people run around doing the same brain digested behaviors without
ever questioning it. The vote one way no matter what. They buy the same
products from the same company no matter what. They make up their mind once
and then they are done. They even are drawn to the same kind of people over
and over again no matter what.

Even worse many people and given up their free will by finding someone who
has an opinion and will make their decision for them. It could be the
network news or their trusted neighbor but they never really make up their
own mind. To say these people are sheep is actually a bit insulting to
sheep. These people are barnacles. They don’t even move on their own….they
attach to something like a ship and let the ship carry them around.

What is the answer?

Well It could be a Jumpstart.

Something different has to happen. We have to change the way you access you
habitual behaviors and thoughts so that we can again access the ability you
had before you digested your brain. This is what I am planning for January.
It is a 30 Day Jumpstart program. We can Jumpstart your life in order for
you to access all of the resources you have in order to achieve what you
want in your life.

I have to be honest. This is not going to be cheap. It is going to be very
intensive. It is going to take a lot of my time and a lot of your energy. I
will tell you more in the coming weeks.

Have fun



2 thoughts on “Have You Digested Your Brain?”
  1. I’m not aware of any books like your idea, but I’m not exactly a librarian. Regardless, you can but your thoughts together for your personal benefit as well as others. Quite often our identity can be wrapped up in our careers, when there is really a alter there can be emptiness left. Fortunately, it’s not to late to fill that void as long as we are nevertheless alive. A single of the best ways to get your phone to ring is to dial it really first. Just like everything else in existence that is worthwhile it will take time. Great Luck

  2. hi tom dewayne thanks for the talking aboute it i lookrd doc up and cant find him so can you help me out with phone # and e-mail. i looked up al sargent web site so hi teck that powerful ha. i have learning problems and memory too so im geting the book and see how that works. how much does al charge for helping me out with HI and learning. you know doc saide he’s is better so how much does doc charge if he’s wiling to do it. do you know some that can help me out with it if there to expensive. thanks tom

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